About me

My name is Lenka Vaculíková, I grew up in Slovakia but I live in Brno since 2006. I graduated from a  Master’s degree programme in Psychology at the Faculty of Arts of the Masaryk University in Brno, and then I worked at the HELP ME Educational Care Centre with children under 18 and their families. In parallel, I also studied a Master’s degree in Special Education at the Pedagogical Faculty of Masaryk University in Brno. Over the course of my university years, I had the opportunity to spend several months abroad in the US, UK, and as part of a study program in the Netherlands.

For several years after that I worked in the HR departments of American corporate IT companies and also on various projects focused on children from orphanages, especially on the topic of primary prevention in children. I have several years of volunteer experience in group work with children, shorter from St. Elizabeth’s Hospice and the Institute for the Prevention and Treatment of Addictions in Brno. My own motherhood and time with children at home eventually led me back to my desired therapeutic work and into 5-year comprehensive psychotherapy training.

I am not only a psychologist and therapist in training, but also a mom and wife. In my spare time, I enjoy children, board games, sewing or modern calligraphy (called brushlettering). As a mom, I have long been interested in various maternal topics – from pregnancy and childbirth, to parenting roles and expectations, to deep maternal exhaustion (physical and emotional) and raising challenging children. I also cover the latest topics related to parenting neurodivergent children (PAS, ADHD, PDA, etc.) and related parenting challenges. These are also topics I enjoy working with in therapy. 

Psycholožka, speciální pedagožka a terapeutka ve výcviku Lenka Vaculíková
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Psycholožka, speciální pedagožka a terapeutka ve výcviku Lenka Vaculíková
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What is my approach?

I currently work individually with adult clients 18+. I work under constant professional supervision, in compliance with current legislation and the ethical principles of the European Association for Psychotherapy. I work in Czech, Slovak and also in English.

My main values are respect, trust and creating a space of acceptance. My work is based on a systematic and narrative approach. Systemic therapy looks at the broader context of the client’s life and aims to work with the individual within their system (family, relationships, work, etc.). It believes that it is not inevitable that problems will be solved, but that they will sometimes dissolve within positive life changes. In narrative psychotherapy, I work with a person’s personal story, which can be viewed from different perspectives. A story that can be retold and rewritten. A story in which one can look for hope and different alternatives for its ending.

In our collaboration I will offer you space, safety and a genuine interest in your personal story. I see therapy as the place where it can be safely explored. Together we will seek answers to questions about your emotional and physical experience, your thinking and your personal history. We will experiment and try to implement the changes into your real life.

2024 – Private therapy practice

2023 – Accredited comprehensive psychotherapeutic training “The Way of Systemic Therapies” certified by the Czech Association for Psychotherapy, Narratio Institute

2013-2017 Recruiter in American IT corporate companies

2013-2016 Psychologist, SCAN Association – primary prevention projects focused on children from orphanages

2011-2012 Psychologist at the Educational Care Centre in Brno

2010-2013 Special Education, Master’s degree, PedF MU in Brno

2007-2010 Special Education, Bachelor’s degree, PedF MU in Brno

2006-2011 Psychology, Master’s degree, Faculty of Arts MU in Brno

kancelář Lenky Vaculíkové v Brně, kde probíhají psychologická poradenství a individuální terapie
kancelář Lenky Vaculíkové v Brně, kde probíhají psychologická poradenství a individuální terapie