I believe that each person has the ability to find their own solutions and my job is to guide you throughout this journey. In therapy I will offer you a safe space, acceptance and a genuine interest in your personal story.
After all, every life story is unique and our goal is to explore different perspectives on it together. My long-term goal is that one day you will not need me on your life journey anymore.
Therapy is suitable for everyone. It is a myth that therapy is only for people with mental illness. It doesn’t matter if you are dealing with a serious life situation or just looking for a space for self-development. There are no lesser or greater problems, there are just situations that everyone experiences differently and sometimes needs a guide through them.
A hundred people, a hundred lives. Everyone comes with a different topic. Below is a sample of what you may be experiencing and looking for new ways of coping and solutions. If you don’t find your are there, be sure to contact me. It may happen that the nature of your difficulty is more appropriate for another professional and I will encourage you to seek them out. Personally, I like to work with maternal topics – fears during pregnancy, preparing for birth, birth trauma, parenting roles and expectations, maternal exhaustion, raising challenging children and other related topics.
“I’m anxious, I have panic attacks.”
“I’m a mum and although it’s been my dream, it’s too demanding.”
“I want to learn to deal with my stress better.”
“I’m having disagreements at work.”
“I feel burned out.”
“I want to navigate my feelings.”
“I have conflicts in my relationship and I want to work on them.”
“I’m looking for ways to cope with a challenging life situation.”
“I’m battling a chronic illness and it’s hard.”
“I have low self-esteem.”
“I am overwhelmed with guilt/shame/anger and don’t know how to deal with it.”
“I want to work on myself.”
“I have no one to talk to about my feelings.”
Before the first meeting you usually contact me by phone, email or via the contact form on this page. We will arrange a date that works for both of us. I’ll email you information on where to find me, how payment works, the GDPR document and other information. At the first meeting we will talk about what brings you to me and how I can be helpful in that. We’ll touch on your expectations of me and our sessions and slowly begin to formulate common goals. Some people come into their first meeting with apprehension and tension, which is perfectly fine, and know that this is not unusual among clients. My goal from the first meeting is to create an atmosphere in which you feel safe and accepted.
It’s up to you to decide then if we’re “in sync” and you can see yourself working with me in the long run. Every client is different, has different ideas, expectations and it is up to you to evaluate it. It’s perfectly fine to say you’ll move on. Therapy is like life – two people have to”click” for it to work.
Therapy is a conversation between two people. From me, you get a safe space to share without judgement and perhaps a different perspective on your situation. We will formulate shared goals and try to follow them. At the same time the goals may transform and new ones may occur depending on what you come up with in the current session. But we must not forget that sometimes strong emotions rise or we address sensitive and challenging topics. But it is still up to you to what extent we move in that direction – each at our own pace and with patience. There may be times when we borrow other methods – imagery, relaxation or other techniques – to have the conversation. But ultimately, the decision is yours, and I won’t pressure you into anything you’re not comfortable with.
The most typical frequency of attendance is every 14 days. It’s a frequency that is not that common in our often rushed lives, but it also gives us the opportunity to work on topics and move somewhere. One session lasts 50 minutes. It is impossible to generalize how many sessions you will need. Some people just need one to get a handle on their situation and others may go to therapy for years.
With the exception of the notification requirements set by law (when a criminal offence must be reported), everything that happens in our meetings is confidential. According to the Code of Ethics of the Czech Association for Psychotherapy, I am bound by confidentiality.
Ano. Vy jste klient/ka a návštěva psychologa je Vaše dobrovolné rozhodnutí. Téma ukončení spolupráce je něco, co sama jako terapeut do setkání přináším. Někdy naplníme cíle naší spolupráci, někdy možná dospějeme do bodu, ve kterém nebudu schopná pro Vás udělat víc. Ideálním cílem terapie je, aby klient návštevy psychologa/terapeuta nepotřeboval a disponoval nástroji, jak těžké životní momenty zvládat sám.
A psychologist is a person who has completed a master programme in psychology and has title Mgr. (in the Czech republic).
A psychotherapist is a person who has completed several years of accredited psychotherapy training culminating in an examination. They may have a variety of educational backgrounds, often graduates in psychology or perhaps social sciences.
A clinical psychologist is also a graduate of a master’s degree in psychology, but has also completed several years of training with experience and certification. The clinical psychologist performs, among other things, psychodiagnostic examinations and is the only psychologist who can work in the health care sector in the country.
A psychiatrist is a doctor with title MUDr. who graduated from medical school, makes diagnoses and is the only one with the authority to prescribe medication.
A coach focuses primarily on solving your problems and on the present, and does not focus on past connections or deeper issues. A minor difficulty is that anyone can call themselves a coach without any specialized training.
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Copyright © 2025 lenkavaculikova.cz
Created by lenkamirkova.cz
Provozovatel: Mgr. Lenka Vaculíková | Josefská 15, Brno 625 00 | IČ: 08127476 | Fyzická osoba podnikající od 29. 04. 2019 dle živnostenského zákona nezapsaná v obchodním rejstříku.